'Characteristic Puzzles in the Opening' series
Here are some chess puzzles from the games of Anthony F. Saidy.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.
Anthony Saidy vs Carl Dinsen, Reykjavik, 1957
2q2rk1/5pbp/3p1np1/1p1Pp1BP/1p2P1P1/nP3PN1/P6Q/3NK2R w K - 1 0
[ Bxf6 Bxf6 hxg6 ]
Anthony Saidy vs Sehlstedt, Reykjavik, 1957
2r1rk2/1p1q1pp1/pb4p1/4p2n/3nP3/P1NB4/1PPB2QP/R4R1K w - - 1 0
[ Qxg6 if Nf6 Rxf6 gxf6 Qh6+ Ke7 Nd5+ ]
Anthony Saidy vs Jacek Bednarski, Tel Aviv, 1964
rqn3k1/4prbp/6p1/1Q6/p3P3/4BP2/PPR3PP/3R2K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rd8+ if Bf8 Qxb8 Rxb8 Rdxc8 or if Rf8 Qd5+ Kh8 Rxf8+ Bxf8 Bd4+ ]
Anthony Saidy vs Sylvain Zinser, Zagreb, 1969
1rb2bk1/p1r2p2/1pBp3p/2pP2p1/P1NqP1P1/1P3PP1/R1Q3K1/7R w - - 1 0
[ e5 w/Rd1 ]
White mates in 4.
Anthony Saidy vs Hillar Karner, Tallinn, 1973
5r1k/1b2N1bp/3p2p1/8/2B1Pr2/qP2Q3/5PPP/1R3RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Nxg6+ hxg6 Qh3+ ]
Anthony Saidy vs Sylvain Zinser
Anthony Saidy Puzzles, Part II.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Anthony Saidy vs Jon Vidarsson, Saint John, 1988
2n1r2k/p5pp/2p2p2/2R1n3/4P3/P1Pq2N1/2Q3PP/2B3K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rxe5 ]
Anthony Saidy vs Yuri Gusev, Moscow, 1990
2r2k2/p4P1p/1pp3r1/3pPQ2/1P1Np1q1/4P1P1/P5K1/2R5 w - - 1 0
[ Ne6+ Ke7 f8/Q+ Rxf8 Qxf8+ Kxe6 Qe8+ Kf5 Rf1+ ]
Anthony Saidy vs Randall Hough, Las Vegas, 1993
6k1/1R2rqpp/3p3r/3np3/N1Q2P1P/5PP1/8/4R1K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rb8+ ]
White mates in 2.
Anthony Saidy vs Paul Cripe, Philadelphia, 1995
3r1rk1/pp3Rpp/2p5/2b3N1/4P1n1/1Q1q2B1/P5PP/1R5K w - - 1 0
[ Rxf8+ ]
Anthony Saidy vs Hanon Russell, Las Vegas, 1996
r3r3/pp1qnkb1/3p1pp1/3p3p/3P1B1P/1QP2P1R/PP2BKP1/6R1 w - - 1 0
[ Bb5 if Nc6 Qxd5+ ]
Anthony Saidy vs Yuri Gusev
Anthony Saidy Puzzles, Part III.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 4.
Anthony Saidy vs Lefong Hua, Vancouver, 1999
8/p4Qrk/6p1/1R6/7P/2P3P1/5PBK/q2n4 w - - 1 0
[ Rh5+ gxh5 Be4+ if Kh8 Qxh5+ or if Kh6 Qf4+ ]
Nikolai Krogius vs Anthony Saidy, Polanica Zdroj, 1969
3r2k1/5pp1/pN1b2p1/R2P4/1nB3P1/7P/2r2P2/3R2K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Bc7 if Ra4 Rb2 or if Bb3 Rc3 ]
Black mates in 4.
Edmar Mednis vs Anthony Saidy, New York 1963
1kr4b/1bq5/r6P/2n1p3/1p1p2QN/1P6/B1P1N1P1/1KRR4 b - - 0 1
[ ...Qa5 ]
Dharshan Kumaran vs Anthony Saidy, New York, 1990
2r2bk1/p4p1p/1p2p1p1/8/2qP4/2B1P2P/P2Q1PP1/2R3K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Bb4 ]
mate in 4
Anthony Saidy vs Lefong Hua
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