'Tactics in the Sicilian' series
Here are some chess puzzles from the games of Vladimir Malakhov.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.
Vladimir Malakhov vs M Ab Rahman, Duisburg, 1992
4r2k/ppn3bp/n1p2r2/3pN1p1/3P4/BP2P2B/P4P1P/R4RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Bd7 w/Be7 ]
Vladimir Malakhov vs Ventzislav Inkiov, Porto San Giorgio, 1998
1r1k4/Rnnbb1pp/3p4/1p1P1P2/1PpN2B1/2P3pP/1B1N4/6K1 w - - 0 1
[ Nc6+ ]
Vladimir Malakhov vs Peter Wells, Bled 2001
3q1rk1/p4pp1/2p2n2/3b3p/N5r1/1P1B2P1/P2Q1PP1/R3R1K1 w - - 0 1
[ Bf5 ]
Tiger Hillarp Persson vs Vladimir Malakhov, Helsingor, 2009
1bk5/1p3pp1/4q1p1/BBpr4/3Pp3/Q5P1/PP2KP2/2RR3r b - - 0 1
[ ...Qg4+ if Kd2 Rxd1+ Rxd1 Rxe4+ ]
Vladimir Malakhov vs Ivan Salgado Lopez, Plovdiv, 2012
4rrk1/p1pq3p/1p1pb1n1/5p1N/2PR4/2Q2B2/PP3PPP/5RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Bc6 if Qxc6 Rxd6 ]
Vladimir Malakhov vs Ivan Salgado Lopez
Vladimir Malakhov Puzzles, Part II.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Jacob Hoyer vs Vladimir Malakhov, Helsingor, 2012
r6k/2R4p/3p4/P2Pb3/4P3/5B1P/2p5/6K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Bd4+ Kf1 Bc5 ]
Black mates in 5.
Sergey Karjakin vs Vladimir Malakhov, Moscow, 2014
2kr3r/1p2n1p1/2p2np1/p1qpNp2/P4P2/3P2P1/1PP3BP/R2QR2K b - - 0 1
[ ...Rxh2+ Kxh2 Rh8+ if Bh3 Qf2+ ]
Vladimir Malakhov vs Sergei Iskusnyh, St. Petersburg, 2015
r1r5/p1bb1kqQ/4pp2/3p4/8/1P2RN2/P2B1PP1/2R3K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rxc7 if Rxc7 Ng5+ or if Qxh7 Rxd7+ Kg6 Ne5+ ]
Nikita Meskovs vs Vladimir Malakhov, Yurmala, 2016
r2rq1k1/1p3p1p/p5p1/2P5/PP1R4/1Q5P/5PP1/3R2K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Rxd4 Rxd4 Qe1+ Kh2 Qe5+ ]
White mates in 3.
Vladimir Malakhov vs Falko Bindrich, Doha, 2016
2r3k1/pp5p/5R2/5N1q/4p1p1/1P1nP2P/PQ4P1/6K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rf8+ Kxf8 Qg7+ ]
Nikita Meskovs vs Vladimir Malakhov
Vladimir Malakhov Puzzles, Part III.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Igor Vladimir Malakhov vs Noam Bergauz, Pardubice, 2017
7r/pk1r1p1p/1p2p1p1/nP1q4/1B6/5Q2/P4PPP/2R2RK1 w - - 1 0
[ 1.Rfd1 ]
Igor Vladimir Malakhov vs Zan Tomazini, Pardubice, 2017
r2qr1k1/1b3pbp/p1pp2p1/1p1N4/4P3/1PP1BP2/1P1Q2PP/R4RK1 w - - 1 0
[ 1.Bb6 Qh4 2.Nc7 ]
Vladimir Malakhov vs Dennis Wagner, Brest, 2018
8/p2P1pkp/1p3bp1/8/1B6/6PP/P4P2/5K2 w - - 1 0
[ 1.Bc3 ]
White mates in 4.
Vladimir Malakhov vs Igor Efimov, Brest, 2019
4rrk1/pbqn1p1p/1p1b2p1/2pp2N1/2P4P/1P4P1/PB2QP2/1B1R1RK1 w - - 1 0
[ 1.Qh5 if gxh5 Bxh7# or if h6 Qxh6 Nf6 Bxf6 ]
mate in 4
Vladimir Malakhov vs Igor Efimov
Other Russian GMs
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