King-pawn Opening Series
Here are some chess puzzles from the games of Erwin L'Ami.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.
Erwin L'Ami vs Niels Ondersteijn, Netherlands, 2002
2r2k2/r3ppbp/2Bp1np1/p2P4/2R5/1P3P2/P2B2PP/4R1K1 w - - 1 0
[ Be3 ]
White mates in 3.
Erwin L'Ami vs Baris Esen, Turin, 2006
2b3k1/r4rP1/1np3B1/1p2P3/2qP2pB/p1P5/3Q1P2/6KR w - - 1 0
[ Bh7+ if Kxh7 Bf6+ or if Kxg7 Qg5+ ]
White mates in 3.
Erwin L'Ami vs Geert Van Der Stricht, Bethune, 2006
2r2r2/p4ppk/1p6/4qNQ1/2nR4/6P1/P6P/5RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Rh4+ Kg8 Qxg7+ Qxg7 Ne7# ]
Erwin L'Ami vs Artur Jussupow, Amsterdam, 2008
r1r3k1/1b3pp1/1pNRpq1p/2n5/p1R5/P3PB2/1PQ2PPP/6K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rf4 if Qg5 h4 Qg6 Ne7+ or if Rxc6 Bxc6 Qe7 Bxb7 ]
Erwin L'Ami vs Yge Visser, Dieren, 2010
2Q2bk1/p1n2p2/7p/2qP1ppP/2b5/3B1NP1/P4PN1/6K1 w - - 1 0
[ Bxc4 if Qxc4 d6 or if Ne6 Qd7 ]
mate in 3
Erwin L'Ami vs Geert Van Der Stricht
Erwin L'Ami puzzles, pt. ii.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Erwin L'Ami vs Ahmad Siar Wahedi, Vlissingen, 2010
r3r2k/1p1nq1pp/2p2pb1/p7/PbBPPpPN/2N5/1P2QP1P/R2R2K1 w - - 1 0
[ Nxg6+ hxg6 Rd3 ]
Erwin L'Ami vs Tobias Hirneise, Germany, 2013
2r2r1k/pbpp2p1/1pn1pqBp/4R3/2PP4/2P2PB1/P1Q3PP/4R1K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rh5 if Kg8 Bh4 Qf4 Re4 or if Ne7 Rxh6+ gxh6 Be5 ]
White mates in 6.
Erwin L'Ami vs Adel Choukri, Rabat, 2015
8/p7/2R3pp/4Rb2/3r2kP/1B4P1/Pr3PK1/8 w - - 1 0
[ Rxg6+ Bxg6 Be6+ Bf5 Bxf5+ Kh5 Bc2+ ]
Erwin L'Ami vs Throstur Thorhallsson, Reykjavik, 2018
2br1r1k/pp2b1pp/4n3/3pBp2/BP1N1P2/2P1P3/7P/R3K1R1 w Q - 1 0
[ Nxe6 if Bxe6 Bxg7+ mates ]
Erwin L'Ami vs Elina Danielian, Douglas, 2019
1r4k1/5pp1/4q2r/1PR1p3/8/4Q2P/5P1K/6R1 w - - 1 0
[ Rc6 ]
mate in 6
Erwin L'Ami vs Adel Choukri
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