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Here are some chess puzzles from the games of Sergey Ionov.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.

Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.

White mates in 3.
Sergey Ionov vs O Zarubin, Leningrad, 1980
3rk3/R2n2r1/1pBPp1qp/1P6/5p1Q/5b2/6PP/6RK w - - 1 0
[ Qxd8+ Kxd8 Ra8+ ]

Sergey Ionov vs S Hlusevich, Uzhgorod, 1988
5rk1/p1r3p1/5nQp/1P1q4/P7/2pBRR2/5P1P/6K1 w - - 0 1
[ Rxf6 if Rxf6 Re8+ Rf8 Qh7+ Kf7 Bg6+ Kf6 Rxf8+ ]

Alexander Filipenko vs Sergey Ionov, Orel, 1992
1qr2rk1/1b2bp1p/p3p1p1/1p3nP1/4PP2/P1N1B2Q/1P2N2P/1KR3R1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Nxe3 Qxe3 Bc5 ]

Sergey Ionov vs Valeri Yandemirov, Elista, 1994
r2r2k1/pbp2ppp/2n1n3/1pqN4/7Q/1B3N2/PPP2PPP/2KRR3 w - - 0 1
[ Rxe6 fxe6 Ng5 if h6 Nxe6 or if exd5 Qxh7+ mates ]

Sergey Ionov vs Giorgi Bagaturov, Berlin, 1995
4rr1k/1p6/p4pn1/3N4/1P3Qbq/4R3/P4RB1/5K2 w - - 0 1
[ Rxe8 if Nxf4 Rxf8+ Kg7 Nxf4 or if Rxe8 Qxf6+ Qxf6 Nxf6 ]

Sergey Ionov vs S Hlusevich

Sergey Ionov puzzles, pt. ii.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Sergey Ionov vs Boris Makovetsky, Novgorod, 1995
4k1nr/r4pb1/pp1qb3/2pNp2p/P3P1pP/6B1/1PP1B1P1/R2QK2R w - - 0 1
[ Nf6+ Ke7 Qxd6+ Kxd6 Ne8+ ]

Sergey Ionov vs Throstur Thorhallsson, Capelle la Grande, 1996
4r3/p3qbk1/2p1p3/2P1Rpp1/3r4/1B4P1/P3RP2/4Q1K1 w - - 0 1
[ Rxe6 ]

Sergey Ionov vs Vladimir Savon, St Petersburg, 1998
1q2rk1r/1p1Q1p1p/pB1b2p1/3Pp3/8/5P2/PP4PP/2RR2K1 w - - 0 1
[ Bc7 ]

Pavel Smirnov vs Sergey Ionov, Samara, 2000
r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/1qn5/3R4/6P1/1NQ5/PPP2P1P/2K2B1R b - - 0 1
[ ...Nb4 if Rd2 Na2+ or if Qc5 Nxd5 Qxd5 Qxf2 ]

Sergey Ionov vs Nikolai Pushkov, Elista, 2001
6k1/p1R2p2/5P2/4P1pp/8/3r3P/5K2/8 w - - 1 0
[ Rc8+ Kh7 e6 fxe6 f7 ]

Sergey Ionov vs Boris Makovetsky

Sergey Ionov puzzles, pt. iii.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Migchiel De Jong vs Sergey Ionov, Hoogeveen, 2002
5rk1/1b2Bppp/p2p4/3N4/8/1Q3p2/1PP2qPP/6RK b - - 0 1
[ ...fxg2+ Rxg2 Qe1+ Rg1 Qe4+ ]

White mates in 2.
Sergey Ionov vs Denis Yevseev, St. Petersburg, 2005
2br4/pR4bk/2p4p/P7/3PNN2/4n3/4B1PP/6K1 w - - 1 0
[ Nf6+ ]

Black mates in 4.
Nikolay Monin vs Sergey Ionov, St. Petersburg, 2012
5k2/5p1p/2p5/4p1pK/2P1P3/5P1P/4Q3/3N2q1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Qg3 if Qf2 Qxh3+ Kxg5 h6+ ]

Migchiel De Jong vs Sergey Ionov

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