"Tactics in the Queen's Gambit" by wtharvey.com

Here are some chess puzzles from the Nimzo-Indian, Classical (ECO E32).

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Qc2

Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.

M Chirvase vs A Ionescu, corr., 1967
rn1qr1k1/p1p4n/bp2p1p1/3p1pP1/2PP2P1/B1PBPP2/P3Q3/2KR3R w - - 0 1
[ Rxh7 if Kxh7 Qh2+ mates ]

White mates in 5.
Valery Salov vs E Talbot, Moscow, 1983
rnb1r1k1/pp1q1p2/1n2pBp1/4P3/2ppB2P/P1P2NR1/2Q2PP1/R3K3 w - - 0 1
[ Bxg6 if d3 Bxd3+ Kf8 Bh7 ]

Black mates in 5.
Peter Panzer vs Peter Wells, Hastings, 1989
1r1r2k1/p1p2ppp/b1B1p3/8/4P3/P4PP1/1P3KnP/R1B3NR b - - 0 1
[ ...Rxb2+ Bxb2 Rd2+ ]

Claude Baumann vs Moritz Wittwer, Bad Ragaz, 1990
4rrk1/pb1n1pp1/1p1p3p/3P4/2q1B2P/P1B5/1PQ2PP1/3R1RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Bh7+ Kh8 Bxg7+ ]

Braulio Sarmiento Alfonso vs Bruno Hernandez, Mesa, 1992
rnbqk2r/p1p2ppp/1p2pn2/3p4/1bPPP3/2N5/PPQ2PPP/R1B1KBNR w - - 0 1
[ Qa4+ if Nc6 cxd5 ]

mate in 5
Valery Salov vs E Talbot

E32 Puzzles, Part II.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Black mates in 4.
Peter Varga vs Sandor Horvath, Hungary, 1994
2r3k1/2pnq1pp/1p1pp1r1/pPP2p2/P2P4/4P2n/1BQNBP1P/R4R1K b - - 0 1
[ ...Qg5 if Bf3 Qg1+ Rxg1 Nxf2# ]

Larry Remlinger vs Les Gavora, New York, 1995
r4rk1/p2p1p1p/b1n1pp2/q1p5/2P5/P1QBPP2/1P2N1PP/R3K2R w - - 0 1
[ b4 cxb4 axb4 if Qb6 c5 ]

Markus Lindinger vs Olaf Teschke, Germany, 1997
r4r1k/pb2qppB/np2pn1p/2p5/1bP1N2B/4PN2/PPQ2PPP/2KR3R w - - 0 1
[ Nxf6 if gxf6 Rd7 ]

Todd Andrews vs Panayotis Tsiotridis, Korinthos, 1998
1r3rk1/2qn1pp1/2bppn1p/p1p5/2P5/PPQBP1B1/4NPPP/1R1R2K1 w - - 0 1
[ Bxd6 if Qxd6 Bh7+ ]

Yuri Zimmerman vs Johann Brauneder, Oberwart, 1998
rnbq1rk1/pp3ppp/8/3pP3/2pP4/b1P1B2P/P1Q2PP1/1K1R1BNR b - - 0 1
[ ...Bf5 if Qxf5 Qb6+ mates ]

mate in 4
Peter Varga vs Sandor Horvath

E32 Puzzles, Part III.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Giorgi Kacheishvili vs Vadim Milov, Batumi, 1999
5rk1/p4ppp/1p1qp3/2rn3Q/1P1R4/P1NRP3/5PPP/2K5 b - - 0 1
[ ...Nxb4 if axb4 Qxd4 Rxd4 Rxh5 or if Rxd6 Nxd3+ Rxd3 Rxh5 ]

White mates in 5.
Vladimir Lazarev vs Luc Renaze, France, 1999
3qr1k1/p1rn1p2/bp2pn1Q/4p3/2PP4/3B1PNP/P5P1/2R2RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Nh5 if Nxh5 Bh7+ ]

Vitali Golod vs Jan Werle, Vlissingen, 2000
3q1rk1/pb1n1pp1/1p3n1p/5B2/2rNP2B/P7/1P4PP/R3QRK1 w - - 0 1
[ Ne6 if fxe6 Bxe6+ ]

Black mates in 3.
Pablo Bulo vs Gabriel Mazziotti Irigoyen, Buenos Aires, 2002
5rk1/pR4pp/4p2r/2p1n2q/2P1p3/P1Q1P1P1/1P3P1P/R1B2NK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Nf3+ if Kg2 Qh3+ or if Kh1 Qxh2+ ]

mate in 5
Vladimir Lazarev vs Luc Renaze

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