"Tactics in the Queen's Gambit" by wtharvey.com

Here are some chess puzzles from the Nimzo-Indian, Spielmann Variation (ECO E22).

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Qb3

Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.
White to move and win except where noted.

White mates in 3.
Peter Pelts vs John Cerminaro, Chicago, 1992
r4r2/p2n1p2/bp3k2/2pp1Np1/2PP4/4P1P1/PP2BPP1/2KR3R w - - 0 1
[ Rh6+ Kxf5 g4+ ]

White mates in 6.
Dorit Hauer vs Kerstin Arnhold, Germany, 1998
5rk1/1bp2Np1/1p1p2B1/p1n2Q2/2p4q/P6P/1P3PP1/4R1K1 w - - 0 1
[ Ng5 if Nd7 Re8 Bd5 Bh7+ or if Rxf5 Re8+ ]

Ivan Slavkov vs Laurent Sainte-Marie, Aix les Bains, 2003
5qr1/p6k/1p1rp1np/2p2p2/2P1bP2/P3P1R1/1B2BKP1/3R3Q w - - 0 1
[ Rxd6 if Qxd6 Qxh6+ mates ]

White mates in 7.
Donny Muter vs Keith Findley, Southend, 2006
r7/4n3/1Q2bk2/p2p3r/P2P1q2/2P2P2/1K4R1/1B4R1 w - - 0 1
[ Rg6+ if Kf7 Qxe6+ Ke8 Rg8+ or if Nxg6 Rxg6+ Ke7 Qxe6+ ]

Ivan Slavkov vs Laurent Sainte-Marie

E22 Puzzles, Part II.
Black to move and win except where noted.
Vasiliev vs Alexander Tolush, Leningrad, 1938
6k1/pp2rpp1/1b5p/3q1b2/1P1prB2/P4NP1/3QPP1P/2R1R1K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Rxe2 if Rxe2 Qxf3 w/...Bh3 ]

Art Marthinsen vs Asuka Nakamura, Framingham, 2001
2r2rk1/B1p1q1p1/3ppn1p/5p2/8/1P3PP1/P1Q1P1KP/2RR4 b - - 0 1
[ ...c5 Bb6 Nd5 ]

Vladimir Makogonov vs Vitaly Chekhover, Tbilisi, 1937
4r1k1/8/3R1Qpp/2p5/2P1p1q1/P3P3/1P2PK2/8 b - - 0 1
[ ...Rf8 if Rd8 Qh4+ ]

Black mates in 5.
Alexander Tolush vs Paul Keres, Leningrad, 1939
6k1/1RQ3p1/3p1p2/1P1Pr2p/7P/1q6/4p1PK/8 b - - 0 1
[ ...Qg3+ Kxg3 e1/Q+ ]

mate in 5
Alexander Tolush vs Paul Keres

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