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Here are some chess puzzles from the games of Roman Dzindzichashvili.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.

Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your mouse from one bracket to the other.

Black mates in 4.
Igor Bondarevsky vs Roman Dzindzichashvili, Match, 1962
6k1/pp3ppp/4p3/2P3b1/bPP3P1/3K4/P3Q1q1/1R5R b - - 0 1
[ ...Qg3+ if Kd4 Bf6+ or if Ke4 Bc6+ ]

Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Aleksander Bokuchava, Tbilisi, 1965
3r1rk1/1pp1bpp1/6p1/pP1npqPn/4N2P/P2PP3/1B2BP2/R2QK2R w - - 0 1
[ Bg4 ]

White mates in 6.
Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Igor Zaitsev, Tbilisi, 1965
4qQ2/p3r2k/1p4pp/3bB3/2pP2P1/P1P4P/8/5RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Rf7+ if Rxf7 Qxe8 or if Qxf7 Qh8# ]

Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Kalandazichvili, Georgia, 1967
r3r1k1/p1pb2pp/1bp5/2Npq3/8/2Q1B3/PPP3PP/R4RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Rf8+ if Kxf8 Nxd7+ or if Rxf8 Qxe5 ]

Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Kurban Khanov, Moscow, 1967
5n1k/1p2r1qp/p3p3/2p1N2Q/2P1R3/2P5/P2r1PP1/4R1K1 w - - 0 1
[ Rf4 if Rxa2 Rxf8+ or if Rd8 Rf7 ]

mate in 6
Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Igor Zaitsev

Roman Dzindzichashvili Puzzles, Part II.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Georgadze, Tbilisi, 1970
b3R3/2q2pk1/1p4p1/1P4B1/2p5/r2P2P1/2P5/4Q1K1 w - - 0 1
[ Be7 if Ra7 Qc3+ mates ]

Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Vladimir Tukmakov, Leningrad, 1971
4kn1Q/pp2pp2/6p1/2NRP1P1/5r2/P1P5/1P2q3/1K6 w - - 0 1
[ Rd8+ Kxd8 Qxf8+ Qxe7+ Qxb7+ Kxc5 b4+ ]

White mates in 5.
Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Lev Alburt, Baku, 1972
4R3/5krp/p2p2pQ/3n4/1p4p1/8/q4PPP/4R1K1 w - - 0 1
[ Qg5 ]

Oleg Dementiev vs Roman Dzindzichashvili, URS, 1972
6k1/6p1/2q1p1P1/4Pn1Q/8/5RB1/7K/2r5 b - - 0 1
[ ...Rh1+ if Kxh1 Nxg3+ ]

Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Leonid Shamkovich, URS, 1973
2Q5/p3q2p/1p1p2pk/8/1b6/4rBP1/2R1P2P/7K w - - 0 1
[ Rc7 if Qe6 Qf8+ mates ]

Oleg Dementiev vs Roman Dzindzichashvili

Roman Dzindzichashvili Puzzles, Part III.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Itchak Radashkovich, Israel, 1978
4r2k/p1r3Rp/1p2qPbB/1P2p2p/2PpQ3/3P1R2/P7/6K1 w - - 0 1
[ Rxc7 if Bxe4 Bg7+ Kg8 f7+ ]

White mates in 7.
Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Walter Browne, New York, 1984
rq6/pp1r3k/5p2/7p/3PR3/6Q1/PP3P1K/6R1 w - - 0 1
[ Re5 if Kh8 Rxh5+ Rh7 Rxh7 Kxh7 f4 or if fxe5 Qg6+ ]

Calvin Blocker vs Roman Dzindzichashvili, New York, 1984
7r/2k1b1pp/p1np4/2p2R2/1pP1P3/1P2P3/P4P1P/2K4R b - - 0 1
[ ...Ne5 if f4 g6 ]

Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Erik Ronneberg, Boston, 1988
1r3r2/1b2q1kp/1p1p2p1/p4p2/P1PNn3/1PR4P/3Q1PP1/3BR1K1 w - - 0 1
[ f3 if Nxd2 Rxe7+ Kf6 Re2 Nb1 Rc1 Na3 Ra1 ]

Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Itchak Radashkovich

Roman Dzindzichashvili Puzzles, Part IV.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Robert Byrne vs Roman Dzindzichashvili, New York, 1989
3r1rk1/p4pbp/4n1p1/3Np1n1/6Pq/4Q2P/PPP3B1/R1B2RK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Rxd5 if Bxd5 Nxh3+ Kh2 Nhf4+ w/Nxd5 ]

White mates in 7.
Roman Dzindzichashvili vs Andrew Soltis, New York, 1989
5r1k/pp4p1/2p1Q1Pq/4R3/P2P4/2P3K1/5PP1/8 w - - 0 1
[ Qf7 ]

R Bolton vs Roman Dzindzichashvili, Chicago, 1991
r2qr1k1/pp3pbp/2np2p1/2p5/2P1b3/P3PN2/1P1QBPPP/R1BR2K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Na5 if Ra2 Nb3 Qe1 Bb1 ]

Adolf Herzog vs Roman Dzindzichashvili, Saint Martin, 1991
8/4ppkp/3p2p1/3P4/2R1PRnP/1r6/4K3/8 b - - 0 1
[ ...Rb2+ if Ke1 Ne3 Rc7 Ng2+ ]

Eric Moskow vs Roman Dzindzichashvili, New York, 1992
7r/5pk1/1p4p1/p1r1pnq1/4N1b1/P2PPBP1/1P3Q2/3RR1K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Qh5 if Rf1 Bxf3 Qxf3 Qh2# ]

Adolf Herzog vs Roman Dzindzichashvili

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