'Sac&Mate' - 1,000 sacs that end in mate
Here are some chess puzzles from the games of Kamil Dragun.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.
White mates in 5.
Kamil Dragun vs Piotr Goluch, Szklarska Poreba, 2006
5r1k/pp2bppP/4pB2/q2rN3/3p4/8/PPP1QP2/1K1R3R w - - 1 0
[ Bxg7+ Kxg7 h8/Q+ Rxh8 Qg4+ Kf6 Qf4+ ]
Kamil Dragun vs Filip Dowgird, Szklarska Poreba, 2007
2rqk1r1/1pbbnp1p/p1n1p1p1/1N1pP3/1P3PP1/P2B1N2/1BP4P/R2QK2R w KQ - 1 0
[ Nd6+ if Bxd6 exd6 ]
White mates in 2.
Kamil Dragun vs Maurycy Rudol, Szklarska Poreba, 2007
3r3r/2kb2pp/Bqp1p2n/2Np4/7P/Q7/PPP3P1/1K1R3R w - - 1 0
[ Qg3+ ]
White mates in 6.
Kamil Dragun vs Michal Kulaszynski, Szklarska Poreba, 2008
r5k1/4R1pp/br1P1pn1/p1p5/q1P5/P1Q4P/1B1N1PPK/R7 w - - 1 0
[ Rxg7+ Kxg7 Qxf6+ Kh6 Qg7+ w/g4+ or Ne4+ ]
Kamil Dragun vs Tomasz Galazewski, Szklarska Poreba, 2008
1kr2r2/1p3p2/p1b1p3/3pq3/1R5Q/PBR5/1PP4P/1K6 w - - 1 0
[ Rxc6 Rxc6 Qe7 ]
mate in 6
Kamil Dragun vs Michal Kulaszynski
Kamil Dragun Puzzles, Part II.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 4.
Kamil Dragun vs Komil Khamidov, Chotowa, 2009
r2qr2k/5pRp/3p4/3P1N2/1p6/p7/PPPQ3P/1K6 w - - 1 0
[ Rxh7+ ]
Kamil Dragun vs Damian Lewtak, Karpacz, 2010
4k2r/p2q4/1p2p3/n1p2p1p/5P1N/P2r4/2Q2RPP/4R1K1 w k - 1 0
[ Ng6 if Rg8 Ne5 ]
White mates in 3.
Kamil Dragun vs Kacper Piorun, Krakow, 2012
2r4k/7p/3QR1pP/1q1pP1P1/8/pP6/P2K4/8 w - - 1 0
[ Re8+ ]
White mates in 4.
Kamil Dragun vs Wojciech Moranda, Krakow, 2012
7k/pp5p/q4r1N/4Q2b/2RP4/8/PP4p1/6K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rc8+ if Kg7 Rg8+ ]
White mates in 4.
Kamil Dragun vs Miroslaw Lewicki, Olsztyn, 2013
r1b2r1k/ppqn1p1n/2pb3Q/6p1/2BR2PB/2N1PN2/PP3P1P/2K4R w - - 1 0
[ Nxg5 Ndf6 Nxh7 Nxh7 Bf6+ ]
Kamil Dragun vs Safal Bora, Chicago, 2018
r1r5/1bR1ppkp/5qp1/p7/P2Qn3/5NP1/4PPBP/2R3K1 w - - 1 0
[ 1.Rxc8 ]
Kamil Dragun vs Joshua Friedel, Rockville, 2018
3r2k1/bpnr1p2/p1p1n1p1/4P1q1/1P1P2Q1/PB1R4/4NBP1/3R2K1 w - - 1 0
[ Qxg5 Nxg5 Bh4 Nce6 Bxe6 ]
mate in 4
Kamil Dragun vs Komil Khamidov
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