'Tactics in the Sicilian' series

Here are some chess puzzles from the games of Axel Bachmann.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.

Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.

Axel Bachmann vs Pacheco Gallardo, Bento Goncalves, 2000
r4rk1/pp2ppbp/2n1bnp1/2q3N1/7Q/2N3P1/PP2PPBP/R1B2RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Nce4 if Qb5 Nxf6+ mates ]

White mates in 7.
Axel Bachmann vs Diego Sosa, Asuncion, 2001
r1bqk2r/ppppb1pp/3n4/3BN3/1n6/8/PPP2PPP/RNBQR1K1 w kq - 0 1
[ Qh5+ g6 Nxg6 Nxd5 Nxh8+ Kf8 Qxh7 ]

RF De Kleine vs Axel Bachmann, Internet, 2003
4rrk1/1b2b2p/ppn5/3p1pnq/1P1N2p1/P1PB2P1/5PNP/R1BQ1RK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Nxd4 if cxd4 Nf3+ ]

White mates in 2.
Axel Bachmann vs Vladimir Galakhov, Internet, 2003
6R1/5r1k/p6b/1pB1p2q/1P6/5rQP/5P1K/6R1 w - - 0 1
[ Rh8+ ]

mate in 7
Axel Bachmann vs Diego Sosa

Axel Bachmann Puzzles, Part II.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Axel Bachmann vs Franklin Manotas, Internet, 2003
2r4k/1p3r1p/p2Bb3/4P1R1/3p1p2/3P1Q1q/PP5P/6RK w - - 0 1
[ Qxh3 Bxh3 e6 if Bxe6 Be5+ mates or if h6 Rg8+ Rxg8 exf7 ]

Axel Bachmann vs Martin Marinangeli, Bogota, 2004
4rrkb/pb4q1/1p1ppnpQ/5pN1/2p1PP2/2PP1BP1/PP1B4/4RRK1 w - - 0 1
[ Qxg7 Bxg7 e5 dxe5 Bxb7 ]

White mates in 7.
Axel Bachmann vs Moreno Garcia, Calvia, 2004
1qb2rk1/3n1p1p/1p1p1Pp1/rP1N4/2PBP2Q/3P3P/3b2B1/1R3RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Ne7+ Kh8 Nxg6+ if fxg6 f7+ or if Kg8 Ne7+ ]

Axel Bachmann vs Valdes Escobar, Balneario Camboriu, 2005
6k1/1b2rppp/pQnpp3/N1r4N/1p2PPPP/8/PPq5/K2R2R1 w - - 0 1
[ Nxb7 if Rb5 Qxa6 Rexb7 Rc1 ]

Axel Bachmann vs Rueda Zieniewicz, Posadas, 2005
r3n1k1/2qnb1pp/1pbp4/p3prP1/P7/2N1BN1P/1PPQ1PB1/R4RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Nd5 if Qd8 Nh4 Rf8 Nxe7+ Qxe7 Bxc6 or if Bxd5 Qxd5+ ]

Axel Bachmann vs Valdes Escobar

Axel Bachmann Puzzles, Part III.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Axel Bachmann vs Fernando Frare, San Jose de Rio Preto, 2005
3r1rkb/1q3p1p/p2p1RpP/2pnP1P1/P7/2N1B3/1PP2Q2/5RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Nxd5 Qxd5 e6 if Bxf6 Qxf6 mates ]

Marco Pacheco vs Axel Bachmann, Turin, 2006
r1bqr1k1/ppp2pbp/2np2p1/8/2PNPn2/2N1BP2/PP1QB1PP/R3R1K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Bxd4 Bxd4 Qg5 if g3 Nh3+ ]

Zviad Izoria vs Axel Bachmann, Miami, 2007
3q1rk1/3r2bp/1p6/2P2p1b/2PnpB2/4N1P1/5PBP/1R2QRK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Ne2+ Kh1 Bc3 ]

Axel Bachmann vs Filemon Cruz, Barcelona, 2014
2R5/pp1r1ppk/6bp/3pP3/3PP2P/6P1/4r1B1/3R2K1 w - - 1 0
[ Bh3 Re7 exd5 f5 d6 Rd7 h5 ]

Axel Bachmann vs Sebastian Felipe Sanchez, Barcelona, 2014
rn3rk1/pb1pbppp/1p2pn2/6B1/2q5/2N2NP1/PPQ1PPBP/R2R2K1 w - - 1 0
[ Bxf6 if gxf6 or Bxf6 then Ng5 w/Bxb7 ]

Axel Bachmann vs Filemon Cruz

Axel Bachmann Puzzles, Part IV.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Axel Bachmann vs Puchen Wang, Tromsoe, 2014
r3rk2/1p2pp1p/3p1npP/3P4/pPq5/P3RPPB/1Q5K/4R3 w - - 1 0
[ Bd7 if Red8 Rxe7 ]

Hermes Dalo vs Axel Bachmann, Barcelona, 2014
6rk/p3qp1p/bp2p1r1/4np2/5N1b/4PPN1/PP3QPP/3RRB1K b - - 0 1
[ ...Rxg3 hxg3 Bxg3 if Qd2 Bxf4 exf4 Qh4+ mates ]

Nicolau Leitao vs Axel Bachmann, Florianopolis, 2017
2r3k1/4qpp1/pp1r3p/3p3Q/BPn5/2P1PP2/5KPP/3RR3 b - - 0 1
[ ...Nb2 if Ra1 Nd3+ ]

Nicolau Leitao vs Axel Bachmann

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