'Chess Opening' series from wtharvey.com

Here are some chess puzzles from the Sicilian, O'Kelly Variation (ECO B28).

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 a6

Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.
White to move and win except where noted.

Usko Koskinen vs H Bruggemann, corr., 1963
r1b1kb1r/1pqpnppp/p1n1p3/8/2PNP3/P1N5/1P3PPP/R1BQKB1R w KQkq - 0 1
[ Ndb5 axb5 Nxb5 Qb8 Nd6+ Kd8 Nxf7+ ]

Sverre Heim vs Leonhard Nilsen, Tromsoe, 1967
r4rk1/1p1nbppp/p1bpp3/q7/2PBPP2/2N2B2/PP4PP/2R1QR1K w - - 0 1
[ b4 if Qa3 b5 ]

Roberto Camacho vs Sameer Sursock, Novi Sad, 1990
r1bqr1k1/4bp1p/p3pp1B/1p6/1n1P4/3B1N2/PP1Q1PPP/3R1RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Qf4 if Bf8 Bxh7+ Kxh7 Bxf8 Rxf8 Qe4+ ]

Heikki Westerinen vs Volker Tatenhorst, Hamburg, 1992
1rbqk1nr/4bppp/3p4/1p2n3/4P3/1BP2N2/5PPP/RNBQ1RK1 w k - 0 1
[ Nxe5 dxe5 Qh5 if Be6 Bxe6 g6 Qxe5 Bf6 Bd7+ ]

A Schoessler vs Walter Frey, Germany, 1993
r1b2rk1/1p1p1ppp/pnn1p3/q3P3/1bP5/P1B2N2/1PQ2PPP/RN2KB1R w KQ - 0 1
[ axb4 Qxa1 b3 ]

Usko Koskinen vs H Bruggemann

B28 Puzzles, Part II.
White to move and win except where noted.
Otto Magyar vs Istvan Hajdu, Hungary, 1994
2r2rk1/1p1b1ppp/p4b2/q1pPp3/2P5/3BB3/PP4PP/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Rxf6 gxf6 Qh5 if f5 Qg5+ mates ]

Manfredo Gaggiottini vs Antonio Sanchirico, Perugia, 1994
r3k1nr/1b1pppbp/p1q3p1/n1p5/P3P3/3PBNN1/B4PPP/1R1Q1K1R w kq - 0 1
[ Bd2 if Qc7 Bxa5 ]

Claudia Eckhardt vs Y Losch, Rinteln, 1994
r3kb1r/1p1b1ppp/p1p5/4p2n/2B1P3/2N1B3/PPP2PPP/2KR3R w - - 0 1
[ Bxf7+ if Kxf7 Rxd7+ ]

Andrej Znidarcic vs Francesco Kusterle, Portoroz, 1995
rnbqkbnr/1p1pppp1/p6p/8/2BpP3/5N2/PPP2PPP/RNBQK2R w KQkq - 0 1
[ Bxf7 Kxf7 Ne5+ if Kf6 Qf3+ Kxe5 Bf4+ Ke6 Bc7 Qxc7 Qf5+ mates
or if Ke6 Qg4 Kd6 Nf7+

White mates in 3.
Diego Cukerman vs Alejandro Alarcon, Sao Lourenco, 1995
r1bq1r2/1p1p1p2/p5kp/4p1pN/1P1bP2B/P4Q2/2P2PPP/R3KB1R w KQ - 0 1
[ Qf5+ Kxh5 Be2+ ]

Andrej Znidarcic vs Francesco Kusterle

B28 Puzzles, Part III.
White to move and win except where noted.
Thanh-Tong Nguyen vs Abdullah Hassan, Singapore, 1995
rnb2k1r/1p4pp/p2p1q2/3Qp3/8/1Bn2N2/P1P2PPP/R1B2RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Qc4 ]

Gerold Stadlober vs Alois Teuschler, Graz, 1996
rnbq1rk1/1p2bppp/p7/3pp3/2B1N3/1N6/PPPB1PPP/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Ba5 ]

White mates in 5.
Fred Just vs Erhard Rueger, Bergen-Enkheim, 1997
r2nk1nr/q4ppp/p3P3/2pb4/2N2B2/2PB4/PP2Q1PK/R4R2 w kq - 0 1
[ exf7+ if Kd7 Qe8+ Kc8 Bf5+ ]

Wolfgang Prueske vs Thomas Berens, NRW, 1998
1qr3k1/1b1rbp1p/p1n1pnp1/1p4B1/1P1P4/P1N2N2/B3QPPP/2RR2K1 w - - 0 1
[ Bxe6 fxe6 Qxe6+ ]

Pablo Jesus Lopez vs Candido Morilla, Gijon, 2000
r1b2rk1/1p3pp1/p6p/q3p3/2B1n1nP/P1p1BN2/2P1QPP1/RR4K1 w - - 0 1
[ Bb6 Qa4 Qxe4 if Nf6 Bxf7+ ]

Pablo Jesus Lopez vs Candido Morilla

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