'Dutch Defense' by wtharvey.com
Here are some chess puzzles from the Dutch, Staunton Gambit (ECO A82).
1.d4 f5 2.e4
Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 6.
Heinrich Burger vs Manfred Keller, corr., 1972
rn1q2r1/pp4bQ/2pkb3/3pRB2/3P4/2N5/PPP3P1/5RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Nb5+ cxb5 Rxe6+ Kc7 Qh2+ ]
White mates in 2.
Mann vs Roland Steche, corr., 1982
r1b1qrnk/pp2p1np/2p3pQ/3pN2P/3P2P1/2N5/PPP1B3/1K2R2R w - - 1 0
[ Qxh7+ Kxh7 hxg6# ]
Eberhard Stephan vs Bartels, corr., 1984
r1bq1r1k/pp2b1p1/1n2Qnp1/2pp2B1/3P4/2NB1R2/PPP3PP/R5K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rh3+ Nh5 Qxg6 Kg8 Rxh5 Bxg5 Rh8+ Kxh8 Qh7# ]
White mates in 3.
Faltin vs Michel Robidoux, corr., 1988
rn2kb1r/p1p1q2p/2b1Q1p1/4p1P1/2BP4/2N4P/PPP5/R1B2RK1 w kq - 1 0
[ Qc8+ Qd8 Bf7+ Ke7 Qe6# ]
White mates in 5.
B Zuechner vs Immo-Frank Angemann, Germany, 1988
r5k1/pppbp1b1/2npq1B1/6BQ/3P4/2P5/PP4PP/R5K1 w - - 0 1
[ Qh7+ Kf8 Rf1+ if Bf6 Bh6# ]
mate in 6
Heinrich Burger vs Manfred Keller
A82 Puzzles, Part II.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Patrice Verdier vs Charles Hannequin, Uzes, 1989
r1bqk2r/p2p2pp/1pn1pn2/8/1b2P3/2NB1N2/PPP2QPP/R1B2RK1 b kq - 0 1
[ ...Bc5 Be3 Ng4 Qg3 Nxe3 Qxg7 Nf5+ ]
G Codazza vs Passelli, corr., 1990
2r1kb1r/p3p1pp/2p2n2/n4bB1/B3p3/2N5/PPP1N1PP/3RK2R w - - 0 1
[ Bxf6 exf6 Rd5 ]
Yury Makarov vs E V Malienko, RCCA, 1998
r1bq1r2/ppp2kpp/3p1b2/3Pp3/4P3/2N3Q1/PPP1B1PP/R4RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Rxf6+ if gxf6 Bh5+ mates or if Qxf6 Rf1 ]
Capitan Martin vs Pere Mas Recorda, Canovelles, 1999
r3k2r/pppqp1bp/2n2np1/3p2BP/3P2b1/6N1/PPP1BPP1/R2QK1NR w - - 0 1
[ h6 if Bf8 Bxf6 exf6 Bxg4 ]
Villotte vs Alain Fouquet, Massy, 1993
r2k1b1r/ppp1p1p1/6B1/3pP1B1/4n3/2N3K1/PPP4P/7R w - - 0 1
[ Nxe4 if dxe4 Rd1+ mates ]
G Codazza vs Passelli
A82 Puzzles, Part III.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Wolf-Dieter Menkhaus vs Werner Jung, Germany, 1996
rn1q1rk1/ppp3bp/5p2/4N1Bp/3P2b1/8/PPP3P1/R2QKB1R w - - 0 1
[ Bc4+ Kh8 Qxg4 ]
Cesar Umetsubo vs Eduardo Blank Goncalves, Sao Paulo, 1996
r1bq1k2/pp4bQ/n2p1rB1/2pPp3/8/2N4P/PPP3P1/R1B3K1 w - - 0 1
[ Bh6 if Rxg6 Rf1+ Ke7 Qxg6 or if Qd7 Qh8+ mates ]
John Head vs Greg Spanier, corr., 1997
2rk3r/pp1q2bp/2p1p3/1N1p3Q/3P4/8/PPP3PP/R4RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Rf7 if Qe8 Qh4+ ]
White mates in 3.
Manfred Herzog vs Udo Helscher, Wiesbaden, 1998
rnbqr1k1/ppp3p1/4pR1p/4p2Q/3P4/B1PB4/P1P3PP/R5K1 w - - 0 1
[ Qf7+ Kh8 Rxh6+ ]
White mates in 5.
M Hampek vs Josef Hercik, Pizen, 2000
r1b3k1/ppppq2p/4p3/6pQ/3P4/2PB4/P1P3PP/5RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Bxh7+ Qxh7+ Qe8+ ]
Wolf-Dieter Menkhaus vs Werner Jung
A82 Puzzles, Part IV.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Soel Kartsev vs Peter Kovermann, Recklinghausen, 2000
rn3rk1/pp4pp/2p1pn2/q1b5/4NB2/2N5/PPP1QPPP/R4R1K w - - 0 1
[ Nxc5 if Qxc5 Qxe6+ Kh8 Bd6 ]
Manfred Boeven vs Alois Herzel, Bad Woerishofen, 2002
r1bqkb1r/pp4pp/2p5/4p3/P1B1P3/2N3P1/1PP3P1/R2QK2R w - - 0 1
[ Qh5+ if Kd7 0-0-0+ Bd6 Qf7+ mates or if g6 Qxe5+ ]
White mates in 3.
Juergen Wempe vs Hermann Krieger, Merano, 2002
5rk1/pbppq1bN/1pn1p1Q1/6N1/3P4/8/PPP2PP1/2K4R w - - 0 1
[ Nf6+ if Rxf6 Rh8+ ]
Michael Baron vs Lee Forace, Melbourne, 2002
rnbq1rk1/p1p3pp/3p4/3p2P1/1b1P1P2/4BN2/PP3K1P/RN1Q3R w - - 1 0
[ Qb3 if Ba5 Qxd5+ ]
Alexander Diehm vs Felix Werthebach, Bad Homburg, 2004
r3k2r/pp1q2pp/2p2p2/P2n1b2/1b1Pp3/1BN5/1PP1N1PP/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Nxd5 if cxd5 Ba4 ]
mate in 3
Juergen Wempe vs Hermann Krieger
A82 Puzzles, Part V.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Dionisio Bombin Pinera vs Jonathan Alvarez Arguellas. Asturias, 2004
rnbqk2r/ppp3bp/4p1n1/3p2P1/3P4/2NB1Q2/PPP5/R1B1K1NR w - - 0 1
[ Rxh7 ]
Jens Mink vs Henning Silber, Germany, 2006
2kr3r/pppq2pp/2n2p2/5b2/1b1P4/4Q1N1/PPP3PP/2KR1BNR b - - 0 1
[ ...Rhe8 Qf2 Nxd4 if Be2 Qa4 or if c3 Nb3+ ]
Roland Schmitt vs Christopher Ottway, Frankfurt, 2008
2kr3r/ppp1b1Qp/2np1n2/4p3/2B1PPq1/2N1B3/PPP4P/2KR3R w - - 1 0
[ Qxg4+ Nxg4 Be6+ ]
Martin Page vs Alan Collins, Exmouth, 2008
2krn2r/pp1np1bp/2p1B1p1/3pB3/2qP4/P1N2R2/1PPQ2PP/R6K w - - 1 0
[ Nxd5 if Bxe5 Nxe7+ Kb8 Bxc4 or if cxd5 b3 Qc6 Rc3 ]
Vitaly Gurvich vs Zeno-Iulius Sarbu, Varna, 2012
r2q1rk1/p1p3pp/2p2b2/4p3/6b1/2P2N2/PP2QPPP/R1B2RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Qc4+ Qd5 Qxg4 ]
Vladimir Budim vs Igor Soloviov, Omsk, 2014
r1bq1rk1/ppp1b1pp/4pn2/6B1/3n4/3B1N2/PPP2PPP/RN1Q1RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Nxd4 Qxd4 Bxh7+ ]
Ece Alkim Erece vs Filip Kuljanin, Sarajevo, 2017
rn1qkb1r/ppp1p1pp/3p1n2/8/3PN1b1/3B4/PPP2PPP/R1BQK1NR w KQkq - 1 0
[ Nxf6+ ]
Vitaly Gurvich vs Zeno-Iulius Sarbu
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